IUSD Lectures
Throughout the academic period IUSD is inviting international lecturers to present their practical and academic work on differing cultural, professional, educational values. The lectures are being held in English and will be open to an interested audience.
For the latest announcements please check this website's news section and our MSC. IUSD Facebook Group.
IUSD Lectures Summer Term 2018
This Summer Term, IUSD continues to invite international lecturers.
Upcoming lectures:
14 June 2018 Michael Krause will talk about "Violence Prevention Through Urban Upgrading in Cape Town, South Africa“.The lecture takes place within the frame of the seminar/elective "Critical Perspectives on the Postapartheid City".
01 June 2018 Kurt Ackermann will be talking about "Growing food, growing community: Good Hope Farm and the new opportunities for urban agriculture in Cape Town, South Africa“. The lecture takes place within the frame of the seminar/elective "Critical Perspectives on the Postapartheid City".
15 May 2018 Danielle Hoppe talked about "Building Sustainable Mobility: Perspectives from Latin American Cities". The lecture was organized by the ILPÖ, one of the institutes hosting the MSc. IUSD program.
IUSD Lectures Winter Term 2017/2018
05 February 2018 IUSD Alumni Eva Sule and Manuel Heckel talked about “IUSD Alumni working with GIZ“ during our "IUSD Brownbag Lunch" format.
31 January 2018, at 11:30h (in M11.11) Daniela Zupan talkedabout „Innovations in Urban Planning and Design: The Compact Mixed-USe City Model“.
25 January 2018 at 17:00h (in Labor 8) Michel Samaha from Beirut (Libanon) talked about „The Surviving of the Lebanese Old Cities: History and Challenges - The Case of Tripoli“.
(c) Franziska Laue
24 January 2018, at 11:30h (in M11.11) Manal El Shahat shared the process and results of the Ezbet-Project. The lecture was held within the UPPSUM I Module of the MSc. IUSD program.
06 December 2017, Shahd Wari talked about Inclusion versus Exclusion - the Case of Palestinian Refugees. The lecture was held within the UPPSUM I Module of the MSc. IUSD program.
20 November 2017 Harry Smith (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom) talked about „Increasing urban resilience: Towards co-management of landslide risk in lowincome settlements in Medellin, Colombia“.
IUSD Lectures Summer Term 2017
The summer term 2017 continued to welcome a variety of interesting guest lecturers:
05 July 2017, Vlad Tyminskyi from CANactions School for Urban Studies (Ukraine) presented his current teaching activities as part of his CANactions School for Urban Studies Initiative.
(c) Franziska Laue
27.06.2017, Dr. Ratka Colic (University of Belgrade) shared results of her yearlong involvement in the context of “Participation In Urban Development Planning – Case Of Serbia”.
In our first webinar on 23 June 2017, conducted in collaboration with the AGEP network, Udo Lange, Project Manager at AHT Group AG Management and Engineering, presented the project “Violence prevention through urban upgrading”, giving an in-depth case study of the situation in Khayelithsa, Cape Town.
Dr. Paola Alfaro d’Alencon (TU Berlin) presented two of her recent research endeavors including “Ephemeral Urbanism“ on Wednesday, 14 June 2017 and “Mediaspree“13 June 2017.
(c) Franziska Laue
Within the frame of the elective “Urban Heritage”, taught by Dr. Anette Gangler, three lectures provided deep insight into the challenges and opportunities of dealing with urban heritage:
13 June 2017, Friedemann Gschwind from the Planning Department at Municipality of Stuttgart talked about “World Heritage – Weissenhof / Le Corbusier”.
On 09 May 2017, Stefano Bianca, an architectural historian, urban designer (Switzerland) talked about “Rehabilitation Historic Cities”.
23 May 2017, Dietlinde Schmitt-Vollmer (IFAG, Stuttgart University) presented her work on “Post War Reconstruction Germany”.
On 03 of May, Dr. Md. Ashiq Ur Rahman (Khulna University, Bangladesh) shared his knowledge about „Operationalizing community-led housing in practice: Lessons from Bangkok, Thailand and Mumbai, India“.
26 April 2017, Celine D’Cruz talked about “Including the Urban Poor Agenda in the New Urban Agenda“.
10 April 2017, German-Lebanese architect Karim Najjar presented his work in Lebanon during a lecture, titled "Crisis as a Chance".
(c) Franziska Laue
IUSD Lectures Winter Term 2016/2017
This Winter Term, IUSD continued to invite international lecturers.
January/February 2017 Amanda Achmadi will give a lecture about "Informality and Urban Spectacle in Indonesian Cities: From Coesixtence to Competing Futures" within the frame of the IUSD's Core Module UPPSUM, at 11:30h in K1, lecture hall 11.11 (room 1.08).
19 December 2016 Victoria Marwa presented her PhD research titled "Factors Hindering the Adoption of Sustainable Design and Construction Principles in Developing Countries".
(c) Franziska Laue
14 December 2016 Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz gave a lecture within the frame of the IUSD's Core Module UPPSUM, at 11:30h in K1, lecture hall 11.11 (room 1.08). He shared his preparatory research and consultancy work for Habitat III.
(c) Franziska Laue
07 December 2016, Dr. Alexander Jachnow (USP, IHS Rotterdam, Erasmus University) spoke about "Post Governance Cities: Validating Urban Values".
(c) Franziska Laue
06 December 2016, Dr. Anupama Kundoo (Barcelona) spoke about "Building Knowledge: Empowering people while building affordable space".
(c) Franziska Laue
23 November 2016 welcomed Dr. Kirsten Hackenbroch (University of Freiburg) to speak about "Report from the ‚Formality / Informality: Insights from negotiating access to urban space in South Asia".
(c) Franziska Laue
26 October 2016 IUSD welcomed Manuel Herz, architect and researcher in Basel, Switzerland. He shared his findings and work on "A World of Camps - Spaces of Refuge".
(c) Franziska Laue
25 October 2016 IUSD started its IUSD Lecture Series in Stuttgart with a conversation between Prof. Dr. Niraj Verma and the MSc. IUSD students on "Believable truths and lower transaction costs: Advice for planners in dealing with difficult problems." Prof. Verma is a graduate of University of Stuttgart, now teaching at Virginia Commonwealth University.
The lecture was recorded on video and will be made available on our youtube channel soon.
(c) Franziska Laue
27 October 2016 Hilmar von Lojewski in K1 (Stuttgart University) at 15:00h.
He will share his thoughts on the recent events at Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador, titled: "Global Front“ – HABITAT III Conference Quito and its impacts for Sustainable Urban Design".
(c) Franziska Laue
IUSD Lectures Summer Term 2016
This Summer Term, IUSD continues to invite international lecturers. Please check this website's news section and our MSC. IUSD Facebook Group for the latest announcements.
13 June IUSD was happy to host a IUSD Lecture By Yassine Moustanjidi on "Urban agriculture for growing city regions. Case of Casablanca, Morocco." The lecture was transferred to Cairo via videoconferencing (VC).
(c) Franziska Laue
On 13 July 2016 Dr. Mohamed Elsioufi shared his experience with UNHabitat on "Urban Development Intervention Challenges in Post Crisis Contexts - the Case of Somalia"
(c) Franziska Laue
IUSD Lectures Winter Term 2015/2016
27 September IUSD was happy to host a IUSD Lecture By IUSD Alumna MSc. Muna Shalan sharing her research outputs under the title “From Host To Hostile: Shedding Light On The Impacts Of The Syrian Crisis On Jordanian Host Communities And Their Livelihood”.
In 19 October 2015 , as part of the IUSD Lectures Ralf Simon shared his “Experiences In Supervising the Elaboration of a General Urban Master Plan (Strategic Development Plan) for Damascus”.
18 November 2015 Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salheen (Ain Shams University, Cairo IUSD) presented projects illustrating real-life approaches “Towards Integrated Planning: An Approach to Sustainable Development”.
Later, 25 November 2015 Sandile Mbatha (UCL, London) presented specifics of “Housing Policies and Practice in South Africa”.
07 December Klaus Teschner (Misereor and Trialog e.V.) was invited within the frame of the IUSD program and the SI's design project "Borderzone |Grenzraum - Welcome to Tijuana". He was talking about "Transformation of people's settlements", referring to experiences in Latin America and Africa.
09 December 2015 Prof. em. Dr. Peter Herrle (Berlin) presented a profound “From Local Action to Global Networks”. The event was complemented with the launch of the publication of the same title.
17 December Dr. Holger Kuhle (GIZ/UNSDSN) presented "The Sustainable Development Goal for Cities Within the 2030 Agenda - How to Get Operational?"
20 January 2016 IUSD will be honored to host Dr. Rene Peter Hohmann (Sr. Urban Specialist at Cities Alliance/UNOPS) giving an insight into the current discourse “Towards City Development Strategies”.
27 January 2016 Dr. Sonja Nebel (Urban Management Studies, TU Berlin)
“Localizing Sustainable Development Goals - the Case of Muscat/Oman”
(c) Franziska Laue
IUSD Lectures X
Within the frame of our new IUSD LecturesX section young professionals, currently enrolled, within the IUSD presented their own engagement in research, social projects and much more.
During the winter term 2015/2016, so far Amr Abotawila and Dorothy Estrada shared their experiences within the frame of the IUSD Lectures X.
IUSD Lectures Winter Term 2014/2015
IUSD once again organized its lecture series, this time called "IUSD Lectures". Several national and international lecturers were invited to Stuttgart to provide an experience based insight into the reality of being a professional and researcher in urban development and cooperation, urban landscape design and sustainable architecture. In the winter term 2014/15, IUSD Stuttgart has invited international lecturers to present their practical and academic work on differing cultural, professional, educational values. Some lectures took place within the core modules and seminars of IUSD and were open to an interested audience within the faculty and beyond.
All events were video-conferenced to Cairo and made available on our IUSD YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/IUSDmsc).
In September 2014 our first lecturer, landscape architect Henrik Schultz (Hanover), elaborated on “Why Walking? – Designing Urban Landscapes Through Walking”. The event was part of the introduction weeks for our fourth IUSD intake.
In October 2014, IUSD welcomed Ahmed Dorghamy (CEDARE, Cairo) for an IUSD lecture on "Sustainable Mobility and Paratransit in Greater Cairo".
In November, Uwe-Jens Walther (TU Berlin, IRS Erkner) gave a lecture on “Discourse(s) on inclusion: Potential and Pitfalls for Urban Planning and the Architectural Profession”.
Later, in December 2014, Dr. Mohammad Refaat (Cairo University, Egypt) presented his research on “Egyptian Landscape Architecture Experience: From Rich and Famous to Landscaping for the Poor”.
Furthermore. Mr. Stefan Brückmann (Atelier Dreiseitl) presented his thoughts on ”Innovative Blue and Green Infrastructure”.
Within the urban planning context, Manal El Shahet (SI, Uni Stuttgart & UDPP, ASU, Cairo) presented her community based experiences in Cairo “Bottom-up policies: the Case of Ezbet Abu Qarn, Cairo”.
In addition to that, Dr. Sonja Nebel (TU Berlin) discussed the “Resource Efficient Urban Management - The case of Muscat/ Oman”.
In January 2015, Dr. Nina Gribat (Habitat Unit, TU Berlin) shared her thoughts on “Towards Just Cities”.
Lenka Vojtova presented her involvement in the GIZ project on “Municipal Development and the Rehabilitation of the Old City of Lviv/Ukraine”.
In February 2015, Nicolas Coeckelberghs (Brussels) talked about “Library in earth bricks in Burundi' and Wayne Switzer spoke about the 'Earth Pavillon in Ghana”.
German freelance architect and former researcher at SIIS (Uni Stuttgart) Claus Bantel (Sao Paulo) presented his work experience on “Social Housing and Urban Upgrading Projects in Sao Paulo”.
In June 2015, Prof. Dr. Annalinda Neglia (Politechnico Bari University, Italy) presented her research on “Process Typology as a Tool for Urban and Landscape Design: Strategies for Cultural Heritage Sites Redevelopment”.
Student initiated Lectures:
The IUSD Lectures were complemented by an input by Raafat Majzoub on “Is Architecture a Tool or a Toolbox? Is a Text Any Less Architectural Than a Room?”. The Lebanese architect, author and artist Raafat Majzoub present his work in February 2015, starting from his academic projects in architecture, passing through opening his design studio, putting it to sleep, making a magazine, experimenting with narrative journalism, and writing a novel – an autobiography of the Arab world – through performing its alternative reality. This additional lecture was organized by the students from the fourth intake of IUSD and was facilitated by the IUSD team.
We thank all guests and the audience for mutually sharing and exchanging their experiences. This makes us looking forward to more IUSD lectures in the upcoming academic terms in Cairo and Stuttgart.
Monday Lectures 2014
In the summer term 2014, IUSD organized a lecture series, called “Monday Lectures” (ML 2014). Within the frame of the ML 2014, four international lecturers were invited to Stuttgart to provide an experience based insight into the reality of being a professional in development and planning projects and cooperation. This included the “real (ethical) issues” of being a planner or an intermediate person between different actors and expectations (donors, beneficiaries, etc.). Our guests discussed issues in practice based on differing cultural, professional, educational values and described the ‘painful’ and challenging processes of negotiating a con- cept and dealing with different stakeholders’ points of view to the same subject.
Our first lecturer, social and political scientist Ebba Augustin (SAANED, Am- man), elaborated on her developed understanding of strategic planning in the MENA region.
Our second lecturer, regional planner Hilmar von Lojewski (Deutscher Städtetag, Berlin), described transformation of the city can take place through transformation of strategies themselves. For this he is taking the exam- ple of the Urban Development Programme in Syria.
Our third lecturer, urban planner Thomas Stellmach (Uberbau, Berlin), illustrated his work experience as „reality bites“ acquired in different cultural contexts – from Iraq to Russia.
The fourth lecturer, environmental scientist Bernd Hörmann (Sheffield City Council), described his journey in the field of environment and sustainable development, having worked for an International Ecovillage (NGO), and environmental dem- onstration centre and a local government/authority in United Kingdom.
Student initiated Lectures:
The ML2014 were complemented by an input by Dr. Camillo Boano (UCL, London) who discussed the production of recovery space. This included architec- ture and reconstruction challenges. This additional lecture was organized by the students from the third intake of IUSD and facilitated by the IUSD team
This semester, all lectures took place in Stuttgart and were projected to Cairo via Videoconferencing. Some of the Monday Lectures can be watched on our IUSD YouTube channel. We are looking forward to our next lectures in the winter term in Cairo and Stuttgart.