N-AERUS Conference 2018 in Stuttgart
08-10 November 2018
This year our Department of International Urbanism at University of Stuttgart is going to host the 19th N-AERUS conference from November 8-10, 2018.
Further info on call for papers, venue and program are available here.
IUSD Lecture by Michael Krause
14 June 2018
The SI and IUSD are glad to welcome Michael Krause talking about "Violence Prevention Through Urban Upgrading in Cape Town, South Africa“.
The lecture will be offered within the frame of the seminar/elective "Critical Perspectives on the Postapartheid City".
The Lecture
For the past 10 years, Violence Prevention through Urban Upgrading (VPUU NPC) has been addressing the spatial and historic divide faced by South African communities, more specifically in the Western Cape. VPUU was established to build safe and sustainable neighborhoods in dialogue with residents to shape their future cities. VPUU aims at integrated communities, citizenship, pride and the improvement of quality of life for the residents – one neighborhood at a time.
The Lecturer
Michael Krause is a place maker, Urban Designer who believes in negotiating solutions to shape urban environments. From 1995 onwards he worked in Durban South Africa, mainly in informal settlements including Phoenix Settlement – Gandhi’s second Ashram. Since 2006 Michael leads a highly dedicated and transversal team that continuously shapes an area based program in low income areas to improve the quality of life In Cape Town and South Africa. Michael is the CEO of the VPUU Not for Profit Company a practice that seeks to combine dialogue between residents, local authorities with appropriate social, economic and cultural solutions to achieve sustainable and safe neighborhoods on a human scale. For the work he received a merit of award at the Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize in 2012. In 2014 the VPUU Handbook was been published.
Thursday 10.00h - 12:00h
Location: K1, 10th floor (room 10.07)
IUSD Lecture by Kurt Ackermann
01 June 2018
The SI and IUSD are glad to welcome Kurt Ackermann talking about "Growing food, growing community: Good Hope Farm and the new opportunities for urban agriculture in Cape Town, South Africa“.
The lecture will be offered within the frame of the seminar/elective "Critical Perspectives on the Postapartheid City".
The Lecture
South African Urban Food & Farming Trust works to make good food fair and affordable in South Africa’s cities. We provide support and advocate on behalf of our local urban food systems. We aim to shift the conversation around urban agriculture and shape the food system on the ground in an effort to build economically, socially and physically healthy communities in South Africa’s cities.
The Lecturer
Kurt Ackermann works hands-on building non-profit urban farms to help strengthen health and social fabric within and across divided urban communities. He is co-founder of the South African Urban Food & Farming Trust, which is helping create a food system in Cape Town that is more centered on human needs and community resilience, is more healthy, and more just.
Friday 10.00h - 12:00h
Location: K1, Labor 8 (room 8.06)
IUSD Lecture by Danielle Hoppe
15 May 2018
The ILPÖ and IUSD are glad to welcome Danielle Hoppe talking about "Building Sustainable Mobility: Perspectives from Latin American Cities".
The lecture:
Using Latin-American experiences as examples, we will discuss the challenges faced by cities in the global south to implement a sustainable mobility agenda based on eight core principles of transportation, urban design and land use: public transit, walking, cycling, travel demand management, mixed land uses, density, compact and connected urban design. Examples will draw mostly from initiatives in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City and Buenos Aires depicting technical, financial, social and political aspects that permeate the implementation of public policies and initiatives.
The lecturer:
Danielle graduated from Rio Grande do Sul Federal University (Brazil), Danielle Hoppe also has a master’s in urban planning from McGill University (Canada). She has 14 years of professional experience at private, public and non-profit organizations. She contributed to solid waste management and sustainable tourism development projects in Bolivia and Honduras and was the local coordinator for the Urban Age 2013 – Urban Transformations, a conference organized in Rio de Janeiro by LSE-Cities and Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft. Since 2014 she is a full-time staff at ITDP Brazil, and has taken part in public policy, travel demand management and cycling infrastructure planning projects. She is currently ITDP Brazil active transportation manager and is responsible for walkability, street design and road safety initiatives.
Monday 17.00h - 19:00h
Location: K1, Labor 8 (room 8.06)
For more info on the related module see website of ILPÖ.
IUSD Lecture by Daniela Zupan
31 January 2018
The SI and IUSD are glad to welcome Daniela Zupan talking about "Innovations in urban planning and design: the compact mixed-use city model".
The Lecture
The compact mixed-use city model has reached an almost hegemonic status in many European countries in the field of urban planning and design in the last decades. It is inscribed in manifestos and charters of the European Union (e.g. Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities), national town planning reports, local urban development plans and guidelines for planning new neighbourhoods. In this lecture I critically engage with this model by tracing its emergence, diffusion and institutionalization in Germany and Russia. The lecture argues that the concept is increasingly wrought with contradictions and shows signs of fatigue and dissolution.
Daniela Zupan
Daniela studied Architecture (DI) at the TU Graz and ETSA La Coruña and Slavic Studies (Mag.phil.) at the KFU Graz and GU Vladimir. In 2013 she enrolled in a DFG-funded PhD at University of Stuttgart, investigating urban planning innovations in the field of housing in Germany and Austria. Currently Daniela works as a researcher at RWTH Aachen in a project on participatory urban planning in Germany, Russia and Ukraine, which is funded by the VW foundation. Her research interests include changing role models of urban planning and design and contemporary urban developments in Central Eastern Europe.
Wednesday 11.30h - 13:00h
Location: K1, M 11.11
IUSD Lecture by Michel Samaha
25 January 2018
The SI and IUSD are glad to welcome Michel Samaha talking about "The Surviving of the Lebanese Old Cities: History and Challenges - The case of Tripoli".
The Lecture
Since the end of the Ottoman era, beginning of the French mandate (Creation of the Modern State of Lebanon), and later with the Lebanese independence in 1943, the Old Arabic & Phoenician cities didn’t stop their mutation. They are facing many social and economic challenges due to the urban segregation and rapid urbanization growth. Neither the Lebanese central government with its institutional arrangement, nor the local governments (the Municipalities) seem able to stop their decline and isolation. Through the case study of the old city of Tripoli, we will try to present a better understanding of the historical and existing dynamics that contribute to the decline of these cities, and suggest a new potential methodology to revitalize them.
The Lecturer
Michel A. Samaha is a Lebanese Researcher and Consultant in Economics and Urban Development. He studied Sociology & Urban Development, Political Science and Economics in Lebanese and French Universities. He is pursuing a Ph.D thesis in Paris University (Nanterre La Defense), France. He is a university teacher at Lebanese University (Master of Urban Planning), where he teaches Urban Economics, in addition to Lebanese American University, where he teaches Macroeconomics. He worked for many year with the Government of Lebanon, World Bank and many UN agencies in the field of Urban and Socio-Economic development. Lately, he was named a member of the national committee for urban policies within the Ministry for Planning in collaboration with UN-Habitat and preparing a regional report on SDGs (2030 Agenda) with UN-ESCWA. Since 2011, he has a contribution in different urban projects and programmes in the old and new city of Tripoli.
Thursday 17.00h - 19:00h
Location: K1, 8.06 (Labor 8)
IUSD Lecture by Harry Smith
20 November 2017
The SI and IUSD are glad to welcome Dr. Harry Smith talking about "Increasing Urban Resilience: Towards co-management of landslide risk in low-income settlements in Medellin, Colombia."
Monday 13.30h - 15:00h
Location: K1, M 11.42
IUSD Alumni Symposium in Stuttgart
The IUSD Alumni Symposium organization team is glad to announce our 2017 IUSD Alumni Symposium in Stuttgart. It will be the first occasion for graduates, team members, friends and network members to come together and jointly engage in a uniquely designed symposium format. The symposium consists of three intensive days, supported by a professional team of moderators. From day 1 all participants are invited to actively participate in the sessions. Moreover, side events complement the exchange.
Location: Hospitalhof, Büchsenstr. 33, 70174 Stuttgart.
For more information please contact: alumnisymposium[a]iusd.uni-stuttgart.de
Moreover, IZKT, the City of Stuttgart and IUSD are proud to announce that former minister of environment, Klaus Töpfer, will give a keynote speech within the frame of the IUSD Alumni symposium on Tuesday, 26 September in the city hall of Stuttgart. Further information can be found on the IZKT website.
Keynote Speech on the Occasion of the IUSD Alumni Symposium in Stuttgart
26.09.2017 18:30h
The IZKT, the City of Stuttgart along with the IUSD Alumni Symposium organization team is glad to invite you to our keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Klaus Töpfer, former German Minister for the Environment, former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment UNEP.
Location: Rathaus Stuttgart, Marktplatz 1, Großer Sitzungssaal
06.30 p.m. | Greetings
Peter Pätzold, Mayor of Urban Planning and Environment for the state capital Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. Sengab Abdelnasser, Vice President of Ain Shams University Cairo
Prof. Dr. Cathleen Kantner, Prorector for teaching and further training at University of Stuttgart
06.45 p.m. | Lecture
Sustainable Cities – Preconditions to Implement the 2030 Agenda
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Klaus Töpfer, former German Minister for the Environment, former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment UNEP
07.30 p.m. | Discussion
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley, Urban Planning Institute, University of Stuttgart
The event is held in English language
08.00 p.m. | Stand-up Reception
The recognition by the AKBW Baden-Württemberg as further education has been requested by the organizers.
The event is open to the public and does not require entrance fees.
Advance registration is kindly requested until 19.9.2017: anmeldungen@izkt.uni-stuttgart.de
The event is organized by Internationales Zentrum für Kultur- und Technikforschung (IZKT) University of Stuttgat, the international Masters Program M.Sc. Integrated Urbanism & Sustainable Design der Universität Stuttgart and Ain Shams University Cairo, as well as by the state capital Stuttgart. Since 1979 Stuttgart und Cairo are connected via an active and fruitful twin city partnership.
The lecture is organized within the frame oft he IUSD Alumni Reflecting the Role of Urban Change Agents of the international Masters Program MSc Integrated Urbanism & Sustainable Design statt.
IUSD at the SDG workshop in Berlin
20-21 March 2017
The MSc. IUSD Program, as part of the GAMP network, participated in a Thinking Lab at the Workshop on the Role of Higher Education, Science and New Alliances - 2030 Agenda. The workshop took place in Berlin.
(c) giz 2017
(c) giz 2017
Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley
"New Paradigms in international Urbanism"
08 February 2017
The Institute of Urban Planning and Design at the University of Stuttgart kindly invites to the lecture of Prof. Dr. Astrid Ley (Chair of International Urbanism), followed by a reception.
Wendesday 18.00h
K2, 17.02
Download Plakat Prof.Dr.Astrid Ley ,New Paradigms in international Urbanism'
IUSD Lecture by Victoria Marwa
19 December 2016
Victoria will share her PhD research results within the frame of IUSD's Guest Lectures.
Monday 17.30h - 19.00h
K1, 8.06 (Labor 8)
IUSD Lecture by Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz
14 December 2016
Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz will share his preparatory research and consultancy work for Habitat III within the frame of the IUSD's Core Module UPPSUM I as an IUSD Lecture.
Wednesday 11.30h - 13.00h
K1, 1.08
IUSD Guest Lecture by Alexander Jachnow
07 December 2016
IUSD Stuttgart is happy to welcome Dr. Alexander Jachnow (USP, IHS Rotterdam, Erasmus University) to speak about "Post Governance Cities: Validating Urban Values" within the IUSD Lecture Series.
Wednesday, 07 December, 11:30h
K1, floor 1 Lecture hall 1.08 (M11.11)
IUSD Guest Lecture by Anupama Kundoo
06 December 2016
IUSD Stuttgart in collaboration with e1nszue1ns platform is happy to welcome Dr. Anupama Kundoo (Barcelona) to speak about "Building Knowledge: Empowering people while building affordable space" within the IUSD Lecture Series.
Tuesday, 06 December, 17:15h
K1, floor 1 Lecture hall 1.08 (M11.11)
IUSD Guest Lecture by Kirsten Hackenbroch
23 November 2016
IUSD Stuttgart is happy to welcome Dr. Kirsten Hackenbroch (University of Freiburg) to speak about "Report from the ‚Formality / Informality: Insights from negotiating access to urban space in South Asia" within the IUSD Lecture Series.
Wednesday, 23 November, 11:30h
K1, floor 1 Lecture hall 1.08 (M11.11)
IUSD team Cairo and Stuttgart at strategic GAMP meeting in Berlin
19-20 November 2016
The IUSD team Cairo and Stuttgart joined the annual strategic network meeting of GAMP.
IUSD team Cairo and Stuttgart in Berlin
17-18 November 2016
Representatives of the MSc. IUSD management and teaching team met for its first of several strategic workshops on IUSD's future. This time the team gathered in Berlin Kreuzberg.
IUSD at Architecture Biennale in Venice 2016
3 - 6 November 2016
Stuttgarter’s IUSD’s Intake VI went to Venice, 3 - 6 November 2016, to join the Biennale - 15th International Architecture Exhibition.
This year’s Biennale dealt with the theme „Reporting from the Front“.
We also found wonderful links to IUSD with some of our graduates’ and team members’ work represented in the Egyptian pavilion. We are looking forward to the next Biennale in 2018.
IUSD Guest Lectures by Hilmar von Lojewski, Manuel Herz, and Niraj Verma
25 - 27 October 2016
IUSD Stuttgart is honoured to welcome three guests to the IUSD Lecture Series to speak about their work in practice and academia.
25 October 2016
Tuesday/Dienstag 17.00h - 18.30h
Dr. Niraj Verma (Virginia Commonwealth University)
on “Believable truths and lower transaction costs: Advice for planners in dealing with difficult problems”
Room/Raum 8.06 (Labor 8)
26 October 2016
Wednesday/Mittwoch 14.00h - 15.30h
Manuel Herz
on Camp Cities - Refugees and Housing
Room/Raum 8.06 (Labor 8)
27 October 2016
Thursday/Donnerstag 15.00h - 16.30h
Hilmar von Lojewski (Deutscher Städtetag)
on “Global Front“ – HABITAT III Conference Quito and its impacts for Sustainable Urban Design”
Room/Raum 8.06 (Labor 8)
IUSD Guest Lecture by Hilmar von Lojewski
27 October 2016
IUSD Stuttgart is honoured to welcome Hilmar von Lojewski (Deutscher Städtetag) to speak about "Report from the ‚Global Front‘ - HABITAT III Conference Quito and its impacts for Sustainable Urban Design" within the IUSD Lecture Series.
Thursday, 27 October, 14:00h
K1, floor 8 Lecture hall 8.06 (Labor 8)
Welcome IUSD VI
October 2016
IUSD is happy to start the next academic year with the sixth IUSD intake. This time, 19 young professionals from various countries have started their joint IUSD experience in Germany, and 5 young professionals have started their joint IUSD experience in Egypt.
IUSD at DAAD’s Dialogues on Social Innovation
21 September 2016
21 September 2016, Msc. IUSD graduates, Dina Mahdy (IUSD Intake III) and Franziska Laue (IUSD Intake I) discussed on „Social Innovation as a Derivative of Scarcity of Resources: Cases from “Rural” and “Urban” Areas in Egypt. The session was held in DAAD premises in Cairo, and was moderated by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salheen.
The Dialogue on Social Innovation was jointly organized by the Cairo offices of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Freie Universität Berlin, and the Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB).
(c) DAAD 2016
(c) DAAD 2016
IUSD Intake IV Defence and Graduation
Cairo, 19 - 22 September 2016
The Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design Masters Programme (IUSD) celebrated the graduation of the fourth cohort on Thursday, the 22nd of September, 2016. The IUSD is a double-degree Masters Programme between Ain Shams University in Egypt and Stuttgart University in Germany. The ceremony witnessed the graduation of 14 students from several countries (Egypt, Germany, Jordan, Tunisia, Ethiopia and Peru). The graduation ceremony was held under the auspices of Prof. Dr Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Dean of Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University, at Palestine Hall in the Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University, Cairo. The ceremony was honored by the presence of Mr. Sönke Siemon, Deputy Head of mission – on behalf of the German Ambassador in Egypt, Dr. Ahmed Darwish, Deputy Minister of urban renewal and informal settlements - Ministry of Housing & Infrastructure, Ms. Irene El-Khorazaty, Programme Coordinator of the DAAD Cairo office and on behalf of the President of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Also among the attendees were, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salheen, the Programme Director from ASU side and Prof. Johann Jessen & Prof. Wolf Reuter, in addition to professors from the Programme and Ain Shams University.
The ceremony began with an opening speech by Vice-Dean Prof. Dr. Ismail Hafez on behalf of the Dean, welcoming the honorable guests, the professors, the students and their parents. The ceremony also included handing honorary certificates to the students followed by taking of group photos. The Graduation Ceremony was followed by a musical performance at the Faculty gardens, where the band “Stick Fighters of the Nile, The Medhat Fawzi Center for the Stick Arts” (a folklore music & dance group from Menia) performed a collection of traditional & famous music pieces.
IUSD participating at HuP competition … and winning!
08 July 2016
Between Lecture Hall and Project Work is initiated by the GIZ and aiming to build a bridge between academia and practice. Designed as a competition, students from German universities analyze a selected ongoing international project implemented by the GIZ and enrich it with results from current academic discussions and findings on the certain topic. Meanwhile the foregoing rounds of the competition demanded a poster submission concluding the results of the students research and their recommendations, this years 15th`s round asked for a submission of a three-minutes video - and thus added a challenge on top.
25 videos were submitted for the competition, which of five were done by IUSD students working in tandems. Salma Abdelrahman and Manuel Heckel with the video “The influence of education on social cohesion, the case of Sri Lanka”, Rowa Elzain and and Yu-Hsin Hsiao with “Strategies for international projects in effective working progress” and Amr Abotawilla and Khaled Elmansi with “Arabterm: Marwa and Samir Facing linguistics Challenges” were invited to present and compete in the final symposium in Berlin.
You can watch not only their submissions, but also the videos by Ana Baez and Marwa Tina “Peace and Sustainable Development,The case of Colombia” and the "Participation as a Win-Win Situation for Citizens and Municipalities in Palestinian Territories” by Isabell Enssle and Pamela Bournigal at http://hoersaalundprojekt.alumniportal.com/videos-2016.html. All of them are very informative and enjoyable, done with a great patience and accuracy.
IUSD is very proud to announce, that IUSD not only has got six finalists out of 19 in this year’s HuP competition, but also that two of them, Salma and Manuel, won the competition and were awarded an internship with the GIZ. …and not only them celebrated a great success. Rowa Elzain and Sandy absolutely amazed everyone with their presentation and were later on offered a summer job.
IUSD Lab Activity: Expert and Researchers' Workshop "Scenarios for Post-War reconstruction in Aleppo" at Stuttgart University
16 - 19 June 2016
Many historic cities are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites of special cultural and physical significance. It is considered in the interest of the international community to preserve these sites due to international standards. However, many of the World Heritage Sites are also listed as in danger due to increasing urban growth or have been subject to destruction by armed conflicts, as it is the case, in Aleppo, Syria.
In order to discuss some of the challenges related to destruction of World Heritage in conflicted areas, the conference and workshop “Strategies for Post-War Reconstruction” gathers young and experienced researchers and practitioners from Syria, Italy and Germany. This event is hosted at the University of Stuttgart, by the Department of International Urbanism (Institute of Urban Planning and Design), coordinated by IUSD Lab Stuttgart, and kindly funded by the DAAD.
The objects of study will be the historic center of Aleppo, with the aim of developing short term and long-term scenarios on the level of the house, the quarter, and the city.
All scenarios will be presented and discussed during the workshop and further summarized in a written report following the workshop.
The workshop is undertaken in collaboration with Politecnico di Bari (Italy) and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.
Workshop dates:
16 June 2016: Introductory lectures (K1, Lecture hall 1.08) [open to public]
17-18 June 2016 Workshop at University of Stuttgart (K1, several locations) [for registered participants]
19 June 2016 City tour through Stuttgart's rebuilt historic center [for registered participants]
IUSD Lecture by Yassine Moustanjidi
13 Juni 2016
IUSD is happy to announce the upcoming IUSD Lecture by Morrocan architect and urban designer Yassine Moustanjidi.
Monday, 13 June 2016 18.00h - 20.00h
Keplerstr. 11 (K1), Labor 8
Coming soon:
16 June 2016
The IUSD Lab's next event will be an expert and young researchers' workshop on "Strategies for Reconstruction for Aleppo".
The event will welcome colleagues and researchers from Stuttgart, Cottbus, Bari, Berlin, Budapest, Beirut, etc.
The opening lectures are open to a broader audience (Updates will follow soon):
Thursday 16.30h
Keplerstr. 11 (K1), Lecture hall M11.11 (Room 1.08)
IUSD at the GAMP Berlin Module
May/June 2016
Being a member of the German Arab Masters Programmes Network, IUSD is happy to have joined 2016's Berlin Module.
© SLE Berlin
IUSD Lab's documentary video online
IUSD is glad to share the lastest documentary videos from IUSD Lab's symposium "Let's walk urban landscapes" can now be viewed online.
Let's walk urban landscapes symposium video
IUSD Guest Lecture by Grace Stead
18 January 2016
IUSD Stuttgart was honoured to welcome Grace Stead (ICLEI Africa) to speak about "Low Emission Development Implementation in South Africa" within the IUSD Lecture Series.
Monday appr. 19.00h - 20.30h
K1, Lecture hall 8.06 (Labor 8)
IUSD Guest Lecture by Dr. Holger Kuhle
17 December 2015
IUSD is honoured to welcome Dr. Holger Kuhle (GIZ/UNSDSN) to speak about "The Sustainable Development Goal for Cities Within the 2030 Agenda - How to Get Operational?" within the IUSD Lecture Series.
Thursday appr. 16.30h - 19.00h
K1, Lecture hall 8.06 (Labor 8)
Download Poster Prof. Dr. Kuhle
IUSD Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Peter Herrle
09 December 2015
IUSD is honoured to welcome Prof. Dr. Peter Herrle (former chair of Habitat Unit at TU Berlin) to speak about "Housing for the Urban Poor: From Local Actions to Global Networks" within the Core Module "Urban Policies, Planning and Sustainable Urban Management" (UPPSUM).
The event will be complemented with the launch of the publication of the same title.
Wednesday 11.30h - 13.00h
K1, Lecture hall 1.08 (M 11.11)
Download Poster Prof. Dr. Herrle
© Franziska Laue
IUSD Lecture by Klaus Teschner
07 December 2015
We are happy to have received Klaus Teschner (Misereor and Trialog e.V.) within the frame of the IUSD program and the SI's design project "Borderzone |Grenzraum - Welcome to Tijuana".
Mr. Teschner was talking about "Transformation of people's settlements", referring to experiences in Latin America and Africa.
Past Monday 17.00h - 18300h
K1, Labor 8
© Franziska Laue
IUSD at XVI N-AERUS Conference at TU Dortmund
19 - 21 November 2015
IUSD team members from Cairo and Stuttgart, as well as students and alumni gathered in Dortmund on the occasion of the N-AERUS conference titled "Who Wins and Who Loses? - Exploring and learning from transformation and actors in the cities of the South" at TU Dortmund.
Contributions to the conference were given, among other, by Ahmed Osama Bakri (IUSD Alumni from Intake III) and Dr. Josefine Fokdal. IUSD Lab Cairo presented one of its research projects in Cairo.
IUSD Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salheen
18 November 2015
The IUSD Stuttgart team was honoured to have received our dear and respected colleague and Cairo's IUSD Course Director Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salheen to speak about "Towards Integrated Planning: An Approach to Sustainable Development" within the frame of our UPPSUM I lecture series.
Wednesday 11.30h - 13.000h
Lecture Hall Böblinger Str. 70 (M 70.31)
(Winter term 15/16)
In the winter term 2015/16, the International Masters Program IUSD is inviting international lecturers to present their practical and academic work on differing cultural, professional, educational values. The lectures will take place within the core modules of IUSD and will be open to an interested audience. Looking forward to see you around.
Wednesday 11.30h - 13.00h, Room 1.08
18 November 2015
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salheen (Ain Shams University, Cairo IUSD) “Towards Integrated Planning: An Approach to Sustainable Development” *
25 November 2015
Sandile Mbatha (UCL, London) “Housing Policies and Practice in South Africa” *
02 December 2015
Dr. Josefine Fokdal (University of Stuttgart) “Formal and Informal Dichotomies” *
09 December 2015
Prof. em. Dr. Peter Herrle (Berlin) “From Local Action to Global Networks” *
13 January 2016
Dr. Sonja Nebel (Urban Management Studies, TU Berlin) “Localizing Sustainable Development Goals - the case of Muscat/ Oman” *
20 January 2016
Dr. Rene Peter Hohmann, Sr. Urban Specialist Cities Alliance/UNOPS “Towards City Development Strategies” *
*Im Rahmen der englischsprachigen Vorlesung UPPSUM I. Held within the frame of the English lecture series “Urban Policy, Planning and Sustainable Urban Management I” (UPPSUM I).
22 September 2015
The Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design Masters Programme (IUSD) celebrated the graduation of the third cohort on Thursday, the 17th of September, 2015. The IUSD is a double-degree Masters Programme between Ain Shams University in Egypt and Stuttgart University in Germany. The ceremony witnessed the graduation of 17 students from several countries (Egypt, Germany, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Tunisia). The graduation ceremony was held under the auspices of Dr Hussein Eissa, President of Ain Shams University, at Al-Zaafarana Palace in Ain Shams University, Cairo. The ceremony was honored by the presence of Prof. Dr. Youhansen Eid, President of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education, Ms. Laura Oexle, Head of Science Department at the German Embassy in Egypt , Ms. Irene El-Khorazaty, Programme Coordinator of the DAAD Cairo office and on behalf of the President of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), in addition to the vice presidents of Ain Shams University's; Dr. Aly Abdelaziz, Dr. Mohamed El-Toukhy, and Dr. Mohamed Abdelwahab. Also among the attendees were, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salheen, the Programme Director from ASU side and Prof. Antje Stockman, Head of Admission from USTUTT side, in addition to professors from the Programme and Ain Shams University.
The ceremony began with an opening speech by Prof. Dr. Hussein Eissa, welcoming the honorable guests, the professors, the students and their parents. The ceremony also included handing honorary certificates to the students followed by taking of group photos. The Graduation Ceremony was followed by a musical performance at the Palace gardens, where El-Tanboura band (a folklore music group from Portsaid) performed a collection of traditional & famous music pieces from at the Suez Canal Region.
For more information on the program, kindly visit its website: http://www.iusd-program.net
Welcome IUSD V
01 September 2015
IUSD is happy to start the next academic year 2015/16 with the fifth IUSD intake in Germany - this time comprising of 21 young professionals from eleven countries worldwide (including Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Palestine, Sudan, Dominican Republic, USA, Estonia, Taiwan, Honduras and Germany).
IUSD V started their Introduction Weeks in Hanover with active participation at the symposium "Let's Walk Urban Landscapes" (01 - 03 September 2015), organized by IUSD Lab and Studio Urbane Landschaften, and supported by Volkswagen Stiftung.
During the second half of the week (04 - 07 September 2015) IUSD V was welcomed by Prof. Antje Stokman tp Hamburg to explore the city's urban, social and ecological landscapes and diversity.
IUSD Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Annalinda Neglia
12. August 2015
During the summer term 2015 , the International Master Program IUSD invited Prof.Dr. Annalinda Neglia to present her pratical and academic work on cultural heritage sites redevelopments.
IUSD PR movie
16 July 2015
We proudly announce our latest IUSD PR movie that has been uploaded to our YouTube channel. Enjoy!
IUSD at the final GIZ HuP Symposium in Berlin
10 July 2015
In this year’s summer term 2015, IUSD students took again part in the competition "Zwischen Hörsaal und Projekt" (between lecture hall and project), initiated by the GIZ.
The task was to design a poster critically assessing one selected ongoing international project by GIZ. This included direct communication and mutual exchange with staff in the respective projects.
At the final symposium in July 10th 2015 in Berlin, an interdisciplinary expert jury evaluated all posters. This year, contestants from TU München, HU Berlin, FAU Erlangen, HNE Eberswalde, Rhine-Waal University, and University of Hohenheim made it to the final round.
We are proud to announce that our IUSD students from intake IV developed three out of twelve posters that made it to the final round:
Dina Najjar, Mohamed Jabi defended their analysis and recommendations on “Protection of the Environment and Biodiversty in Jordan”. They received a special acknowledgement from the Jury.
Fadi Ajjoub, Anas Mohamed discussed strategies to enhance “Connective Cities“.
Reeham Sayed presented her poster and recommendations on “Women´s role in the economy. Does it really matter?“
We thank Sabine Olthof, Lucia Auge and Dr. Regine Schönenberg for this initiative and support. To know more, here is the link to the initiative: https://hoersaalundprojekt.alumniportal.com
We are looking forward to next year’s competition.
IUSD at the Capacity Works Workshop
19 June 2015
On June IUSD students joined an introductory workshop on “Capacity Works - The Management Model for Sustainable Development”, offered by GIZ in Eschborn to the GAMP Masters' Programs. This time, we discussed multi-stakeholder strategies with participants from MSc. EMEA (Economies of the Middle East in Marburg).
We gladly thank Werner Wasmuth, Hanna Labonté and their team for making the workshop possible.
We are looking forward to joining again next year.
IUSD participates at the Kirchentag 2015 in Stuttgart
26. May 2015
The IUSD Team Stuttgart and Cairo will participate at the huge event "Kirchentag 2015". At the "Markt der Möglichkeiten" (Market of Opportunities) we will be present with a booth from 04.-06.06.2015, from 10:30h - 18:30h directly next to the BMZ, one of our funding partners.
You find us at the area "Globalisierung und Eine Welt"(Globalization and One World) with the Stand Nr. B03We would be glad to see you there, have a chat and inform you more about the IUSD programm!
For further news: www.kirchentag.de (also in English)
IUSD at the Berlin Module
16 - 23 May 2015
Once again, the fourth intake of young professionals studying at IUSD joined the other four German Arab Masters Program (GAMP) students from Marburg/Beirut, Cologne/Amman, Kassel/Cairo, and Ludwigsburg/Cairo during the Berlin Module this May.
The first part of the Berlin Module introduced the students to the different tiers, mechanisms, and actors within the German governance system on three different levels: parliament, federal government ministries, and implementing organizations. Students had the chance to critically discuss various topics ranging from economy, academia, social matters and politics. The module is emphasizing on the interplay of institutions and organizations. During this one week the participants studied the process of changing rules and regulations, based on practical examples, presented by various actors.
In the afternoons, students had the possibility to exchange with researchers and former politicians and diplomats who shared their experiences and analyses on the ongoing and political and social reform processes in several Arab countries. These events took place in the premises of DAAD and DAFG.
The "Berlin Module" also brought the chance to further strengthening the friendship and network with the other GAMP students and colleagues.
In the second part of the Berlin module the particularities of planning and urban management in Germany were introduced to the IUSD students by urban experts Hilmar von Lojewski (Deutscher Städtetag) and Dr. Nina Gribat (Habitat Unit, TU-Berlin).
Dr. Dietlinde Schmitt-Vollmer, from the Institute for History of Architecture (IFAG), guided the students through a reunified and reconstructed Berlin.
We gladly thank the organizers Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiter, Prof. Dr. Claus Haase and Manuela Helmecke (HU Berlin) a complex and fascinating week.
More about the Berlin module: http://gamp-online.net/en/berlinmodul.html
We are looking forward to the next Berlin Module.
IUSD INTAKE IV goes to the Earth Construction Workshop " Festival Grains D'ISERE"
25. May 2015
The IUSD Students of our current fourth intake are taking part at the 14th Festival "Grains d'Isère in Villefontaine, France by the organizations CraTerre and amaco.
The students will learn during the workshop the practical experience about the processes in the field of sustainable architecture by using their own hands. They will get the opportunity to learn different mud brick constructions, rammed earth, adobe, plastering and earthen architecture in general. We are proud we take part already for the fourth time.
IUSD V Selection process completed
15. May 2015
The IUSD Team would like to thank all applicants for their interesting applications for the upcoming IUSD Intake of the year 2015/2016. The selection process is now finished. As we received the highest amount of applications since the start of the program, it was a difficult task to find the right students which would fit the best for the IUSD program.
We are looking forward to start the 5th Intake with students from more than 15 different countries in September 2015. The semester will start on the 01.09.2015 with the Introduction Weeks and exciting excursions, symposia and more.
IUSD Lectures by Nicolas Coeckelberghs and Wayne Switzer
26. January 2015
We are delighted to announce our next IUSD lectures by Nicolas Coeckelberghs about'Library in earth bricks in Burundi' and Wayne Switzer will speak about the 'Eath Pavillon in Ghana'
Monday 14.00h - 16.00h, 02 Feburary 2015
Room 8.06 (Labor 8)
IUSD Lectures by Dr. Nina Gribat
21. January 2015
We are delighted to announce our next IUSD lecture by Dr. Nina Gribat (Habitat Unit, TU Berlin) “Towards just cities”
The lecture will be held within the frame of the English lecture series “Urban Policy, Planning and Sustainable Urban Management I” (UPPSUM I).
Wednesday 11.30h - 13.00h, 21 January 2015
Raum/room 1.08
16 January 2015
The IUSD students of the fourth intake were participating actively at the GIZ Hochschultag at the German headquarter of the GIZ in Eschborn with students from international Master programs in the field of development. The GIZ introduced itself as potential employer and gave examples of it's work in the Urban Fields all over the world. After the presentations, the students were joining several group discussions around the topic of urban development.
© Franziska Laue
© giz 2015
© giz 2015
IUSD Guest Lectures
08. December 2014
In the winter term 2014/15, the International Masters Program IUSD is inviting international lecturers to present their practical and academic work on differing cultural, professional, educational values. The lectures will take place within the core modules of IUSD and will be open to an interested audience. Looking forward to see you around.
Mittwoch/Wednesday 11.30h - 13.00h
Raum/room 1.08
19 November 2014
Uwe-Jens Walther (TU Berlin, IRS Erkner)?“Discourse(s) on inclusion: Potential and pitfalls for urban planning and the architectural profession” *
10 December 2014
Manal El Shahet (SI, Uni Stuttgart & UDPP, ASU, Cairo) “Bottom-up policies: the case of Ezbet Abu Qarn, Cairo” *
17 December 2014
Dr. Sonja Nebel (TU Berlin)?“Ressource efficient urban management - The case of Muscat/ Oman” *
21 January 2015
Dr. Nina Gribat (Habitat Unit, TU Berlin) “Towards just cities” *
*Held within the frame of the English lecture series “Urban Policy, Planning and Sustainable Urban Management I” (UPPSUM I).
Montag/Monday 14.00h - 16.00h
Raum/room 8.06 (Labor 8)
02 February 2015
Nicolas Coeckelberghs
'Library in earth bricks in Burundi'
Wayne SWITZER (ETH Zürich)
'Eath Pavillon in Ghana'
IUSD lecture by Stefan Brückmann
08. December 2014
Innovative blue and green infrastructure
10.12.2014, 6:00 pm | University of Stuttgart, K1, 1.08
IUSD lecture by Dr. Mohammad Refaatthe
02. December 2014
From rich and famous to landscaping for the poor.
09.12.2014, 09:45 | University of Stuttgart, K1, 9.06
Updated YouTube Channel!
18. November 2014
We just updated our Youtube Channel „MSc IUSD“ with the latest IUSD lecture by Ahmed Dorghamy.
Please click here if the plug-in does not work.
Successful accreditation
10. November 2014
The quality of IUSD MSc. program is successfully tested in an accreditation process.
Further information on study programmes with the quality seal of the Accreditation Council and central database
IUSD at the Urban Thinkers Campus
04. November 2014
IUSD joined the Urban Thinkers Campus in Caserta, Italy. In preparation to Habitat III in 2016 to formulate a „New Urban Agenda“, the Campus was coordinated by UNHABITAT.
The meeting gathered practitioners, academia, civil society to reflect on a consensus document „The City We Need“ (Initiated by the „World Urban Campaign“) a global coalition by urban stakeholders.
Within the Urban Thinkers Session 7 on „The Role of Capacity Development in the new urban Agenda“ Franziska Laue, from the IUSD team Stuttgart presented and discussed the principles and contents of IUSD aiming to contribute to educating urban change agents.
16. October 2014
IUSD is happy to welcome Ahmed Dorghamy on 21st October for an IUSD lecture on "Sustainable Mobility and Paratransit in Greater Cairo" in Labor 8 at 5.00 p.m. The event will be videoconferences to Cairo.
New Yearbook 2013/2014
10. October 2014
We are happy to announce the new publication of the Yearbook 2013/2014.
The yearbook presents an overview of the rich experiences and results of the MSc IUSD program of the last year, including selected activities, projects and papers that were produced by the students during their first year in Stuttgart (part 1) and by the students in the second year in Tunis and in different locations for their master thesis research (part 2).
We wish you a pleasent reading.
IUSD Yearbook 13/14
Please click here to see more publications.
IUSD 2nd Intake Graduation Ceremony
2. October 2014
The Graduation Ceremony of IUSD's 2nd Intake took place, on Thursday 15th of September from 6:30 pm till 8:00 pm.
The Ceremony took place in the Fabulous "El-Genina Theatre" at Al-Azhar Park, Cairo, Egypt.
20 Students of the 2nd Intake Celebrated the finalization of their two year study program along with their ASU & USTUTT Staff, family and friends and IUSD Alumni.
The Ceremony was attended by the ASU President, Egyptian Ministers, German Officials and Civil society Representatives.
Orientation weeks in Cairo
2. October 2014
Following the common tradition between Ain Shams University and Stuttgart University, the IUSD team in Cairo organized an interesting program for the students of the third IUSD intake who are starting their second year in Cairo.
The Orientation weeks is the Cairo version of the Introductory weeks in Stuttgart, where the students tend to know more about their new city Cairo as well as other important aspects of living in Cairo and in Egypt. The program included, among other activities, a campus orientation tour giving a brief history of the Faculty of Engineering campus, where the IUSD Cairo is hosted. To give an essence of the different faces of the city, two guided tours in Fatimid (Medieval) Cairo and Downtown Cairo were made. These were supported by general lectures on Cairo city, its evolution and the key challenges of managing its urban growth.
To give another perception of Egypt, a day excursion to the city of Alexandria was organized with the help of some of the Alexandria University staff and an Alexandrian IUSD alumnus. The trip focused on looking at some key developments in the city as well as understanding the different layers of the Greco-Roman coastal city. Finally, the IUSD students have contributed largely to the cultural events within these weeks, by organizing several sessions of cultural exchange and presenting the different countries of origin of the IUSD students. The aim of these weeks was to give a good start for an interesting academic year to come, an aim that is believed to be nicely fulfilled.
Updated YouTube Channel!
29. September 2014
We just updated our Youtube Channel „IUSDmsc“ with the latest IUSD Monday lectures.
Please click here - or simply use the YouTube symbol on the left side - to get some impressions.
Uncharted Territories
29. September 2014
We cordially invite you to the following event:
"Uncharted Territories - Landschaftsarchitektur in fremder Umgebung" at the Leibniz University Hannover.
It will be a panel debate between Prof. Udine Giseke (TU Berlin), Prof. Regine Keller (TU München), Prof. Antje Stokman (Uni Stuttgart) and Prof. Christian Werthmann (Uni Hannover). It will be moderated by Andres Lepik (Architektur Museum München)
The panel debate will be held in German.
24. October 2014 – Time: 11:00 am
The event takes place at the Leibniz University Hannover.
Hörsaal F-005 "Blaue Grotte"
Welcome IUSD IV!
02. September 2014
As the IUSD Master students of Intake IV are arriving in Stuttgart, we would like to say a warm-hearted WELCOME!
We are very happy to have you here and are also excited to start our introduction weeks with many joint actions and enriching experiences.
We already would like to announce the official welcoming event with professors and staff, which will take place on the 9th of september from 6 to 7 p.m. in the room "Labor 8" (K1, 8th floor).
International Summer School - ISLAND OF DJERBA (TUNISIA)
22.09. – 03.10.2014
Application until 23.07.2014
Open for Bachelor/Master students of Architecture & Urban Planning, University of Stuttgart.
„Towards a Sustainable Development of the Littoral Coast in Tunisia, Case study of: LELLA HADHRIA Lagoon, Island of Djerba“
- Landscape, Tourism and Integrated Coastal Management -
The Island of Djerba is a specific example of a human community adapting to its environment and has been recognised by the UNESCO as „Patrimony of Humanity“ just recently. Since the 1960’s the island has been witnessing intensive transformation due to the mass tourism development. The rapid urbanization of the littoral strip with hotel complexes, golf courses and marinas threatens the vernacular assets with a risk of loss of the island’s identity. Meanwhile, the island of Djerba is in need of development, but a development in a reasoned way taking into account its specificities.
The project site of Lella Hadhria, a pristine lagoon ecosystem and home to a rich fauna and flora, is threatened by development plans for a hotel complex. The attendance of different representatives and stakeholders will give us a broad understanding of existing interests as well as ongoing efforts. With an interdisciplinary approach, bringing together architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture and ecology professionals and students, the summer school wants to contribute to a spirit of cooperation.
The Summer School will be held in collaboration with Carthage University, Tunis ( Prof. Dr. Imène Zaâfrane Zhioua) and Ain Shams University, Cairo (Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salheen). During 10 days a mixed group of 8 German, 8 Egyptian and 8 German students will develop common concepts in mutual exchange of experience and much-needed skills for the support of an integrated and sustainable costal development of the Tunisian touristic infrastructure.
The costs for transport and residence are funded by DAAD.
Wahlfachgruppe / Ergänzungsmodul Stadt und Landschaft
für Landschaftsarchitekten, Architekten & Stadtplaner
für Bachelor, Master & Diplom ab 5. Semester
Anerkennung als Seminar 6 LP (Diplom 4 Pkt.)
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl 4
Termine: Sommer Sommeruni 22.9. - 03.10.2014 sowie 4 Seminartermine, dienstags 14:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Kosten: Förderung durch DAAD (500€ Flug + Tagespauschalen)
Bewerbungsunterlagen bis einschließlich 23.07.2014 an:
Johannes Jörg, jj@ilpoe.uni-stuttgart.de oder Sekretariat ILPÖ (9.Stock)
Bitte einen kurzen Lebenslauf und max. zwei Seiten über Motivation, Vorarbeiten oder Fähigkeiten beifügen, die du in das Projekt mitbringst.
16th July 2014 – Time: 14:30 pm to 16:30 pm
Cordially invites you to:
An Open Presentation and Discussion of experiences of the MSc Integrated Urbanism & Sustainable Design Alumni
Venue: Seminarroom 9.06 Faculty Building (K1) ,Keplerstraße, 11, 70174, Stuttgart
IUSD Video conferencing hall – 1 El Sarayat street- Abdo Pasha square, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture Building – Ground floor, Cairo.
Graduates from the first intake 2011 will talk about where they came from study, work experience, why they decided to join IUSD and where it took them.
The event takes place within the Jahresfest 2014, of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Stuttgart.
MONDAY LECTURE 05 MICHEL SAMAHA (Lebanese University, Beirut)
14. July 2014
Our next and final Monday Lecture ML05 by Michel Samaha, will deal with the challenges in planning in the context of rehabilitation ofhistiric city centres in Lebanon - the case of Saida.
Michel will join us via skype. For our friends outside of Stuttgart, we will provide the video via our youtube channel soon.
Yalla, same time (2pm), same place (Labor 8)!!! in Stuttgart
4th IUSD Monday Lecture 2pm Uni Stuttgart Room 8.06
07. July 2014
The team from the international MSc Program "Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design" (IUSD) at University of Stuttgart and AinShams University Cairo gladly invites you to our 4th Monday Lecture.
This time Bernd Hörmann will be talking about his "Experiences in the field of environment, sustainable development and climate change in the UK - from NGO to local government". Content: Bernd Hörmann will be presenting on his experience as a university graduate struggling to get that ‘first job’ in a career and how he has taken a chance opportunity to gain work experience in the United Kingdom.
He will outline his journey in the field of environment and sustainable development, having worked for an International Ecovillage (NGO), and environmental demonstration centre and a local government/authority. He will elaborate on his work as Sustainable Development Officer at Sheffield City Council and the challenges the public sector is currently facing and the reality of austerity, shrinking resources and diminishing control powers on urban development.
So, see you on Monday, 2.00 p.m. in room 8.06 (Labor 8) or in the IUSD VC room at Ain Shams campus, Abbassiya, Cairo
Invitation to our latest IUSD Monday Lecture ML 03|2014
16. June 2014
We gladly announce our next IUSD Monday Lecture taking place in Stuttgart next Monday, 16 June at 2.00 p.m. in room 8.06, aka Labor 8.
Berlin based architect and planner Thomas Stellmach from Uberbau will present „reality bites“ taken from his work experience in different cultural contexts – from Iraq to Russia.
Date: 16. 06. 2014
Place: Labor 8 (Room 08.06)
Time: 02.00 p.m.
Guest lecture by Camillo Boano
03. June 2014
"The Production of Recovery Space: Architecture and Reconstruction Challenges".
The students of IUSD Intake III have the pleasure to invite Prof. Camillo Boano (UCL) for a lecture in Stuttgart (as part of the Monday Lecture Series), this Tuesday. He will give his lecture within the frame of the seminar "War Destruction & Reconstruction".
Date: 03.06. 2014
Place: Labor 8 (Room 08.06)
Time: 11.00 a.m.
IUSD at the Berlin Module
26. May 2014
The third intake of the IUSD program joined the other German-Arab Master Program Students (GAMP) in Berlin last week for the so called "Berlin Module". Due to the ongoing and political and social reform processes in several Arab countries, the module is emphasizing on the interplay of institutions and organizations. During this one week, the participants will study the process of changing rules and regulations, based on practical examples, presented by actors in the German governance system on three different levels: parliament, federal government ministries, and implementing organizations.
11. May 2014
We gladly announce that IUSD is now part of AGEP, the “German Association of Postgraduate Programmes with Special Relevance to Developing Countries” after joining the biannual meeting of AGEP, held in Stuttgart on 25 April 2014. Its formal application has been unanimously assented by all association members. This gives IUSD the opportunity for mutual events and teaching activities within Germany. We are looking forward to an enriching collaboration and exchange with other international Master programs.
Furthermore, the new AGEP homepage is online and IUSD is part of it!
The new homepage of the German Association of Postgraduate Programmes with Special Relevance to Developing Countries (AGEP) is online (www.agep-info.de). Prospective and current students from around the world will find all relevant information about the AGEP postgraduate courses, including IUSD, their common events and about living and studying in Germany in a clearly structured format. Furthermore the AGEP homepage offers you access to the AGEP group in the Alumniportal Deutschland, the largest online platform for international cooperation. In there, students and alumni from the AGEP programs have the chance to connect themselves and discuss specialist matters with experts from around the world.
IUSD Monday Lecture Series ML 2|2014
28. April 2014
We gladly announce our next IUSD Monday Lecture taking place in Stuttgart next Monday, 28 April at 2.00 p.m. in room 8.06 (transferred to Cairo via VC).
ML2 28 April 2014
Hilmar von Lojewski
(Deutscher Städtetag, Berlin)
Other upcoming lectures will be as follows:
ML3 16 June 2014
Thomas Stellmach
(Uberbau, Berlin D)
ML4 30 June 2014
Bernd Hörmann
(City Council, Sheffield UK)
ML5 14 July 2014
Michel Samaha
(Lebanese University, Beirut LE)
Launching our latest IUSD Monday Lecture Series ML|2014
14. April 2014
We gladly announce our next IUSD Monday Lecture taking place in Stuttgart next Monday, 14 April at 2.00 p.m. in room 8.06 (transferred to Cairo via VC).
ML1 14 April 2014
Ebba Augustin
(SAANED for Development and Philanthropy Advisory)
The lecturer will be Ebba Augustin (see CV on the poster) presenting an analysis of her experience in developing and accompanying strategic planning processes in the Mashreq and Maghreb countries. Her experience covers work in different sectors including city planning and regional development in Syria and Egypt. Her analysis encompasses the changes that have taken place during the Arab revolutions and how they impacted strategic planning processes, approaches and the stakeholders involved. She outlines the challenges she encounters during strategic planning on different levels of society, the remaining gaps and what her company is currently undertaking to fill these. The presentation includes a recent case study from the Arab World.
Our first IUSD Salon
7. April 2014
IUSD is happy to announce its first IUSD Salon, organized by the colleagues from IUSD Ain Shams.
From 6.00 to 9.00 p.m., experts and practitioners will discuss around the subject of
"Water Sensitive Landscape Design".
It will take place on 7 April in the premises of Ain Shams University (IUSD VC room) and transferred via videoconferencing into IUSD Stuttgart's Labor 8.
We are looking forward to a lively discussion among all our expert guests and interested listeners.
24. January 2014
The IUSD students of the third intake were participating actively at the GIZ Hochschultag at the German headquarter of the GIZ in Eschborn with students from international Master programs in the field of development. The GIZ introduced itself as potential employer and gave examples of it's work in the Urban Fields all over the world. After the presentations, the students were joining several group discussions around the topic of urban development.
IUSD IV application process
26 March 2014
We are happy to announce that we never had this amount of applicants as this year!
Especially the opening to all nationalities is really interesting for the IUSD program.
We are still in the middle of the selection process and will probably announce the results in the first two weeks of April!
IUSD attending a workshop on the occasion of the Africa Days of the BMBF in Berlin
23 March 2014
On 16-18 March 2014, the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) held a workshop in Berlin, called “Africa Days of the BMBF”. On this occasion several hundred international experts and representatives from universities, research centers and donor organizations discussed current and future activities to strengthen the German-African Cooperation in Education and Research. The event was structured into four parallel workshops tackling climate change, health, bioeconomy, and transformation.

IUSD joined the workshop "Transformation of societies – How can education and research contribute?" comprising input by German, Arab and African institutions and initiatives (ZMO, ZEI, IUSD, AIMS-NEI, AGYA, BRIDGE, EMUNI, etc.) on cross-cutting aspects such as societal considerations in academic education, educational and administrative challenges, potentials in excellence, sustainability of scientific structures, and networking of BMBF funding initiatives.
Antje Stokman and Franziska Laue from the IUSD team presented the concept, experiences of IUSD. This was followed by conclusions based on lessons learnt resulting in recommendations for future actions for comparable cooperation programs. Along with recommendations by the other participants they formed a targeted list of recommendations to the BMBF.
A final document containing recommendations was handed over to the Federal Minister of Education and Research Prof. Dr. J. Wanka, in the presence of the former Federal President Horst Köhler, the Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology of the African Union, Dr. M. De-Paul Ikounga.
The event served as a fruitful platform for exchange of experiences and contacts that help to intensify the relations between IUSD and existing and potential partners in the Middle East and North Africa.
We are looking forward to the next events.
IUSD Monday Lecture by Lisa Deister
Water Sensitive Urban Design
10 February 2014
We welcome Lisa Deister for an interesting guest lecture.

Greening the Desert? - Towards Sustainable Ideas for Gated Communities in New Cairo
Situated in a desert region, Egypt is a country facing water scarcity. At the same time, inhabitants of Cairo’s upper classes flee from the city’s stress and pollution to live in artificial oases. The so called New Towns New Cairo and 6th of October City are constructed in the desert on the outskirts of Egypt’s capital in order to accommodate the continuously growing population. Private investors attract Cairenes promising a life in a lush and green oasis far away from the mega-city – and they keep their promise! The exploitation of resources, especially of precious water, reaches a peak to create these artificial oases in the desert.
The research “Water Sensitive Urban Design in New Cairo” seeks to develop strategies how urban planning and design can contribute to a sustainable use of scarce water resources. First ideas with a focus on water sensitive open space design were developed for the case of the gated community Al Rehab in New Cairo during a master´s thesis in 2013 and will be presented during the lecture.
The lecture will take place at K1, Labor 8, 14.00h
Keplerstraße 11 , 70174 Stuttgart

GAMP website is launched!
30 January 2014
The new GAMP (German-Arab Master's Programmes) website is launched!
Please take a look!
Updated Publications section!
23 January 2014
We just updated our Publications sections with the IUSD Yearbooks, different Guides, the Wagenhallen Atlas and more!
Please take a look to get a better impression of the IUSD program.
IUSD Lab - Live Projects - Laboratories for Change? Workshop
19 December 2013

We are very inspired and excited about the lively contributions to the Live Project Workshop at the University of Stuttgart with guest from all over the world by the IUSD Lab.

The application portal is open!
15 December 2013
The application period for the upcoming fourth MSc IUSD intake (winter term 2014/2015) now officially started! The application deadline will be 31st january 2014. If you have questions regarding your application or the application portal, please take a look at our application portal manual.
Click here to get to the application portal.
The Application Portal Manual will guide you through the application process.
The application period will start soon!
05 December 2013
The application period for the upcoming MSc IUSD intake (winter term 2014/2015) will start 15th december 2013. The application deadline will be 31st january 2014. In case you have any further questions considering the IUSD Masters programme, which cannot be answered by this website, contact us via info@iusd.uni-stuttgart.de
The online application portal will formally open on 15th december 2013 and close on 31st january 2013.
Guest Lecture by Julia Hartmann
Claiming the Urban commons:neighborhood-based mobilization in Cairo’s informal settlements
02 December 2013
We welcome Julia Hartmann (former IUSD student) for an interesting guest lecture.
The struggle of Ramlet Bulaq as a test case for Cairo's urban future
In the aftermath of the 2011 revolution, the increase of
neighborhood-based mobilization in Cairo’s sprawling
informal settlements has not only been noted by political
scientists. It has also attracted the attention of the International
urban planning community. While the former have given little
regard to the impacts of these bottom-up processes on future
urban development, the latter often seems to show little concern
for the political implications of these movements.
By investigating a case of local resistance against an urban
upgrading scheme and its relationship with the current discourse
in the emerging Cairo-wide networks of neighborhood-based
popular committees, Egyptian rights organisations, and local
advocacy planners, the research aims to sketch out possible
future approaches to urban change.
The lecture will take place at K1, Labor 8, 14.00h
Keplerstraße 11 , 70174 Stuttgart
The application period will start soon!
05 December 2013
The application period for the upcoming MSc IUSD intake (winter term 2014/2015) will start 15th december 2013. The application deadline will be 31st january 2014. In case you have any further questions considering the IUSD Masters programme, which cannot be answered by this website, contact us via info@iusd.uni-stuttgart.de
The online application portal will formally open on 15th december 2013 and close on 31st january 2013.
Best greetings from our second intake IUSD students from Tunis!
21 November 2013
The IUSD team from the Ain Shams University and the students of the second intake are temporarily based in Tunis for a short study period. They are supported by former IUSD students Zaineb Madyouni, Insaf Boh and our external expert Lara Paris and hosted by the Ibn Khaldoun University, Tunis.
Guest Lecture by Isabel Concheiro
Interrupted Spain - Beyond the Speculative Landscapes of the Financial Bubble

Beyond the Speculative Landscapes of the Financial Bubble
Keplerstraße 11 , 70174 Stutgart
TOPOS Conference
25 October 2013
Our new IUSD Students of the third intake had the possibility to attend the TOPOS Conference with lectures of Mohamed Salheen, Antje Stokman and Yasar Adanali from the IUSD programme.
Welcoming our third intake!
18 October 2013
We would like to welcome our new students to Stuttgart, we are happy to have you here! We are looking forward to many new and enriching experiences together.
Learn Move Playground
18 October 2013

We are happy to announce the new publication of the Learn Move Play Ground - Summerschool! Moritz Bellers from the IUSD contributed as landscape architecture to this Workshop which had the goal to improve two courtyards of public schools in the informal areas of Cairo. You can see a movie about this project by Raoul Cyril Humpert: video
And you can have a first look at the publication here: publikation
Graduation Ceremony 2013!
19 September 2013
We congratulate all our students of the first intake on their successful graduation! مبروك
It was a wonderful process and ceremony!
Erasmus Guest Lecture by Crisitan Suau
Manifesto for Minimum Dwellings: Against Oversized Architecture
08 April 2013
On April 11th, 2013 We welcome Crisitian Suau Director of ECOFABRICA (www.ecofab.org) who is holding a Ph.D. in Architecture as well as a Master in Urban Design for an interesting guest lecture.
Community Design
Sustainable Environmental Consulting
Space is a limited resource especially in cities. Architects are dealing with new facts such as speed and lightness. Thinking about the minimum offers a manifesto of Elementarism against oversized architecture. Small design opens up unexpected trails of spatial production and provides new functional flexibility with spatial interoperability.
The lecture will take place at K1, Room 1.08, 14.00h
Keplerstraße 11 , 70174 Stutgart
For further information click here: Flyer
International Spring School at Siwa Oasis, Egypt - Application Deadline for German students extended!
18 March 2013
Geman students who are interested in this year's MSc IUSD Spring School at Siwa Oasis in Egypt can still apply.
The deadline was extended until 08. April 2013.
Apply now for the International Spring School at Siwa Oasis, Egypt!
02 March 2013
The Spring School will take place from 25. April till 05. May 2013.
The international and interdisciplinary student spring school, proposed by the IUSD Lab Stuttgart/Cairo will take place in Siwa, Egypt. The desert oasis of Siwa is still a remote and very traditional place in Egypt but under development pressure from its people, an incoming tourism and investments.
The task of the workshop is to help the Siwan people, which are looking for a new modern expression for their houses by keeping their traditional identity.
The workshop aims to find possible ways to deal with the needs and demands of the people and to develop building practices and design solutions according to them.
The practical analysis, design and construction work (with local experts) will be mainly on site, in close interaction with the local community.
The design task is thought to be completed at home universities.
Want to know more?
Thank you all for your Applications!
18 February 2013
We are completely overwhelmed by this year’s amount of applications. The diversity of nationalities and different professional backgrounds is fascinating and we are amazed how many people take interest in our MSc IUSD programe. Now we are looking forward to an exciting selection and intake process.
All applicants will be informed by E-mail about the results and further steps.
Videos will be online soon
17 January 2013
In 2011 the University of Stuttgart hosted an international two-day conference.
Integrated Urbanism Dialogues I: Towards Sustainable Urban Transformations in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East
Several top-class specialists shared their knowledge and experience in lectures and presentations.
Preview: Yasar Adanali on urban changes in Turkey and Istanbul.
The Application period will start soon!
05 December 2012
The application period for the upcoming MSc IUSD intake (winter semester 2013/2014) will start December 15th, 2012. The application deadline will be January 31st, 2013. In case you have any further questions considering the IUSD Masters programme, which cannot be answered by this website, contact us via info@iusd.uni-stuttgart.de
The online application portal will formally open on 15 December 2012 and close on
31 January 2013.
72 Hour Urban Action with MSc IUSD Students in Stuttgart
09 July 2012
MSc IUSD in one of the academic partner in Stuttgart for the upcoming 72 Hour Urban Action in Stuttgart. The students will help to map and identify users, needs, sites and missions, as well as create orientation packs and for visiting international participants of the competition.
The world's 1st real-time architecture competition will be the kick-off of a series of major urban interventions. All around the site of the largest urban redevelopment in Europe - Stuttgart 21 - the center of a 30 year heated public debate.


Please find more information on http://72hoururbanaction.com/stuttgart.html
Wagenhallen Atlas published online
18 June 2012
Please click here to view an updated version of the Wagenhallen Atlas, the first joint product of the MSc IUSD students in this year's Research and Design Module.
Vernissage and Exhibition at Wagenhallen Stuttgart
11. February 2012
The official presentation of this year´s Research and Design Module, where the IUSD students did their site analysis on the Wagenhallen Area in Stuttgart. All the analysis where put together in an Atlas and are since February 11th part of the exhibition that is taking place in the Wagenhallen in Stuttgart for the next two weeks. Within the exhibition "Quartier Quartett Rosenstein", that is organised by the University of Stuttgart, the University of Applied Science in Stuttgart, the Academy of fine Arts in Stuttgart and the University of Karlsruhe, there are accompanying lectures and events.
Please find more information on the exhibition on www.quartier-quartett.de
The Wagenhallen Atlas, thus, is a starting point for understanding the city differently and its results will be used as a resource for the strategic design developments in the further development of the “Transforming Wagenhallen and Nordbahnhof Project” and hopefully beyond.
Events that include the IUSD students and staff:
11.02.2012 - 19.00-24.00
opening with speeches of the heads of the different faculties and a music band
15.02.2012 - 19.00-22.00
IUSD evening: Lectures of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Misselwitz and Dr. Nina Gribat on "Learning from the Global South: towards integrated approaches in urban design and planning" and lecture from Dipl.-Ing Moritz Bellers and Dr.-Ing. Bernd Eisenberg in "Integrated approaches to landscapes" with an open discussion on topics we've been dealing with during the semester
23.02.2012 - 19.00 - 24.00
Deadline for Applications was extended
31. January 2012
Due to technical issues we extended the deadline for applications for our next intake until 31 January 2012. In addition, the application procedure was amended. If you are interested in applying, please double-check all application-related information on this website.
The online application portal will formally open on 9 January 2012 and close on 31 January 2012.
Integrated Urbanism Dialogues I: Student Workshops
9. December 2011
Students of the MSc IUSD organised a one day workshop with speakers and participants of the international Symposium Integrated Urbanism Dialogues.
Integrated Urbanism Dialogues I: Towards Sustainable Urban Transformations in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East
7.-8. December 2011
International Symposium
Keplersaal, Planetarium at Schlosspark, Stuttgart
From the global economic crisis to political change, societies in the Middle East, North Africa (MENA) region and Europe are changing rapidly and decisively. These transformations call not only for institutional reform but may also deeply affect planning and design practices. Integrated Urbanism Dialogues focuses on the urban arena to carefully trace and dissect ongoing shifts and examine new approaches to urban policy-making, landscape planning and architectural design. Leading urban practitioners and theorists from Europe and the MENA region are invited to consider how cities can be transformed into urban landscapes of hope in which the aspirations of changing societies can be tested.
Integrated Urbanism Dialogues I revolves around the question of how architects and planners can play a role in the re-evaluation of appropriate concepts and approaches to integrated urban change in a context of momentous change in MENA and in Europe.
The symposium marks the beginning of a series of public events in Stuttgart and Cairo which will accompany the MSc IUSD programme.
For more information, please download the e-flyer: Integrated Urbanism Dialogues 2011 - E-Flyer
and the programme: Integrated Urbanism Dialogues 2011 - Programme
Participation at Integrated Urbanism Dialogues is free, but registration is required. Lunch and refreshments are provided on both days upon a modest contribution of 30 Euro for staff and 15 Euro for students. Payment is accepted in cash upon arrival at the symposium venue.
For registration, please send an email to info@iusd.uni-stuttgart.de stating your full name and affiliation. Please also indicate whether you wish to have lunch and refreshments.