IUSD Alumni network
Since alumni relations are viewed as an important asset that contribute to the sustainability and continuity of the program, the IUSD management has developed a concept on how to strengthen the network with its graduates and ensure that the future graduates can be incorporated into the alumni activities of both universities (Ain Shams University and Stuttgart University).
(for recent activities, please scroll down)
Being part of international networks
Since IUSD has joined the GAMP (German Arab Masters Programs) and AGEP networks, the current Alumni representatives have been invited to attend the first meeting of GAMP alumni representatives in Cairo-Egypt to exchange ideas between graduates of the GAMP from Germany and the Arab world with the aim of establishing a sustainable network between them.
In addition, IUSD is now a member of the AGEP, and its alumni workshops and activities pose a possibility for the IUSD Alumni to be actively involved in.
How to stay in touch?
In order to keep in touch with fellow students and establish new professional contacts, an IUSD Alumni group as well as a GAMP group was set up at the online platform “Alumni Portal Deutschland”. This, along with Facebook, facilitates the tracking of whereabouts of fellow students and networking with potentially interesting contacts.
Another, more personal tool is that of the Alumni representatives.
Contact: iusdalumni[at]gmail.com
IUSD Alumni’s active participation
Alumni are also encouraged to take part in a number of the activities and events set forward by the IUSD program. Examples of such activities and events, which encourage the input, and expertise of the IUSD Alumni are the “Monday Lectures”, the “IUSD Salon”, and the “IUSD Lab”.
Collective activities since 2013
The Alumni network is currently building up its activities and initiatives. All Alumni are welcome to participate with ideas and kick-off events.
We are looking forward to more fruitful and events, interactions with the program and other partners in the future.
+++ Alumni Symposium in 2017 +++
IUSD is planning an international symposium gathering IUSD alumni of all intakes for a joint gathering. Updates will follow soon.
25 September 2016, MSc. IUSD students and graduates from several intakes met in Cairo's "Studio 39" to discuss joint efforts in preparation for the upcoming alumni conference.
21 September 2016, Msc. IUSD graduates, Dina Mahdy (IUSD Intake III) and Franziska Laue (IUSD Intake I) discussed on „Social Innovation as a Derivative of Scarcity of Resources: Cases from “Rural” and “Urban” Areas in Egypt. The session was held in DAAD premises in Cairo, and was moderated by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salheen.
The Dialogue on Social Innovation was jointly organized by the Cairo offices of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Freie Universität Berlin, and the Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB).
(c) DAAD 2016
In the year 2016, IUSD Alumni, along with enrolled IUSD students participated in the IUSD Lab's Expert and Young researchers' Workshop on "Scenarios for Post-War Reconstruction in Aleppo".
In the year 2015, IUSD Alumni consolidated their network. This took place via social gatherings and active particpation in conferences and workhops. Furthermore, our third generation of IUSD Alumni has joined our network. We are looking forward to a lively exchange among the different generations.
In November 2015, Alumni representatives Mohamed Aniss El Gamal and Lobna Mitkees joined the GAMP Alumni meeting in Cairo.
In December 2014, IUSD Alumni were among the participants, organizers and audience for the first “GAMP Academy for sustainability”. In a webinar event titled “GAMP Alumni and the International Job Market – Experiences and Reflections “, Alumni from REMENA (Kassel/Cairo) along with Alumni from IUSD (Cairo/Stuttgart) jointly reflected about past and present experiences after their graduation from the masters’ programs.
In autumn 2014, an Alumni representative from the second generation of IUSD graduates was elected to join the Alumni working group.
In July 2014, the first graduates of the IUSD program have prepared an event as a part of the “IUSD Salon” events series. The event was based in both Stuttgart and Cairo and was connected using the video-conferencing tool between both sides. The “IUSD Salon – Alumni Talk” was open for audience from outside. Graduates lively discussed with the audience their personal and professional background before IUSD, their motivational experiences, and how has IUSD influenced their approaches in their current activities and expertise after graduation.
In April 2014, Alumni representatives Lisa Deister and Lobna Mitkees joined the GAMP Alumni meeting in Cairo.
In December 2013, IUSD Alumni were among the expert invitees for the “Live Projects workshop” at Stuttgart University.
In the winter term 2013/2014 Alumni took part as speakers within the frame of the newly launched Monday Lecture Series (see IUSD Lab activities).
IUSD Alumni also take part in teaching. In the winter term 2013, our Tunisian graduates Insaf Ben Othmane and Zeineb Mediouni were part of the supporting team in Tunisia, along with Egyptian graduates facilitated the Integrated Case Study in Tunis.
In autumn 2013, the first generation of Alumni representatives were elected. Lisa Deister (IUSD I, Germany) and Lobna Mitkees (IUSD I, Egypt) joined the Alumni working group with their enthusiasm and ideas.
Alumni Representatives
Since the IUSD Alumni has first started in 2013/2014 the first year two representatives were elected from the 1st intake to establish the foundation stones of such as newly formed network. For the coming years, only 1 representative will be elected from each intake. The first election for the graduate group of the year 2012/2013 has already been carried out in December 2013. Besides ensuring the networking among alumni, the representatives’ tasks are to communicate ideas, and requests developed and posed by the graduates within themselves regardless of where they are and within IUSD management.
Our current IUSD Alumni representatives are:
Alumni Representatives 2016-onward
Maram Shaban (Intake III, Jordan) and Katarina Frieling (Intake II, Germany)
Alumni Representatives 2013-2016
Mohamed Aniss Gamal (Intake II, Egypt) and Lobna Mitkees (Intake I, Egypt)
Alumni Representatives 2013-2014
Lobna Mitkees (Intake I, Egypt) and Lisa Deister (Intake I, Germany)
Deputy representatives 2013-2014:
Sandy Raji Qarmout (Intake I, Jordan)
Julia Hartmann (Intake I, Germany)
Below you find a selection of institutes, companies and organizations within the international cooperation IUSD Alumni are currently working:
GIZ Eschborn
GIZ Cairo
UNHCR, Cairo
University of Stuttgart
German University Cairo
Transsolar Academy
Ministry of Planning, Egypt
Freelance Urban Practitioners in Collaboration with UN and other agencies
Civil Society Organisations
Municipality of Tübingen
Municipality of Stuttgart
PhD candidates and research at various universities
Architectural Firms (various)
UNHabitat Cambodia
Robert Bosch Stiftung
Engagement Global, Bonn