Who are the partner universities for the Double Degree Program?
The Double Degree Masters Program was jointly developed and accredited by the Universities of Stuttgart and Ain Shams (Cairo) since 2011. The two universities enjoy a long-standing and successful academic collaboration and a number of joint research activities within the framework of the IUSD Lab. Further collaboration between the universities, local authorities and industry in Egypt were funded under the auspices of the city partnership between Stuttgart and Cairo, which was founded in 1979.
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
The establishment of the IUSD program was supported by DAAD since 2011 through:
• Providing grants to applicants from Germany, Egypt and MENA countries
• Extracurricular workshops and summer schools in Germany and Egypt open to IUSD students
• Installation of state-of-the-art CAD and GIS equipment and video conferencing facilities to benefit students of IUSD at Stuttgart University and Ain Shams University
• Travel grants and staff mobility between Stuttgart and Cairo to ensure close cooperation of both universities throughout the Masters Program
• (2011-2016) via The GAMP network (German-Arab Masters Programs)
• The AGEP network (German Association of Postgraduate Programmes with special Relevance to Developing Countries)
External Partners for the IUSD Programs
The Masters Programs – Single and Double Degrees – will aim to forge strong links between the academic partners and a wide range of external partners including governmental bodies, professional associations, key actors from the German development cooperation, ongoing international research activities and industry. External partners will be involved not only in the concept development phase (identification of teaching priorities); they will also be included in the teaching curriculum through lecture and presentations or host integrated design exercises and the Master Thesis (see info on planned curriculum below). In this way, students will benefit both from a strong practice focus and also from potential career integration of graduates on completion of the Masters program.
• German Federal Ministry of Education and Research—BMBF
• German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development—BMZ
• Egypt Ministry of Higher Education and State for Scientific Research—MoHE
• Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Cairo
• General Organization for Physical Planning (GOPP), Cairo
• The German Association of Postgraduate Programmes with special Relevance to Developing Countries (AGEP)
• City of Stuttgart
• UN-Habitat
• Cities Alliance
• Center for the Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE), Cairo
• German Sustainable Building Council (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen) —DGNB, Stuttgart
• Transsolar Klima Engineering
• Verband Region Stuttgart
and many more